Wallpaper November 2011

Wallpaper November 2011

Once again it's time to begin sharing winter wallpaper images. Here's hoping they'll bring you back to a favored place and its special memories.

I've been doing this for many years now, the game having been to identify where the images were shot and to share stories about those places. We've learned a lot this way (most of it still archived under Wallpapers if you're interested), but the stories spoke mostly about lesser known places.

I think it's time to widen the scope and learn more about recognizable places. If you miss the challenge, simply go back to last May's image which was the first ever not to be identified.

Wallpaper April 2011 

I recently left the island, so for those of you who left earlier, I'll share with you an image that I'm hoping will prompt some weather-related stories about the river. As always, there will be a prize for the most interesting story.

On this late October day, conditions changed constantly, from dark and threatening, to teeming rain, to sunny, only to start all over again, every few minutes all day long. This shot came when it couldn't make up its mind what to do, doing all three at the same time. Perhaps it will ease not being there. As I tell friends, "When it gets hard to stay, it gets easy to leave."

If the location isn’t instantly recognizable, then you haven’t been checking the Live Cam which shares the river’s transition through winter.

On another subject entirely, I’m hoping that you might be able to help solve a dilemma. For several years, I’ve been writing a book about the unexpected turn my life took when I discovered the river and all the adventures that ensued. It’s very much like The Olive Farm, Under the Tuscan Sun or A Year in Provence. 

Donna Walsh Inglehart, the author of Grindstone and an incredibly talented writer and editor, joined me in this project almost two years ago. We now have a completed manuscript (overview here), but I very much want to make it exceptional by layering in pictures and possibly also sounds and video in an iPad format. I have all this material, so it seems crazy not to include it to bring the story alive in a new and different way.

A printed book is pretty much out of the question. By the time the pictures are added, the page count rises too high to be affordable and video and audio is not possible. As an iPad book, it would not only be more interesting, but far less expensive, so that’s the plan - providing we can find the right software to create it.

I had been waiting patiently for this technology to evolve and last spring the perfect solution emerged. Push Pop Press was created by two Apple software geniuses. They announced that they were producing “drag and drop” simple software to bring books alive in exceptional ways. They demonstrated its effectiveness by showcasing Al Gore’s book “Our Choice” in this format. It was a triumph, and I couldn’t wait to get hold of the software.

Then Facebook stepped in. Seeing the power of all this, they bought the company, ending plans for producing the software, using it instead for the Facebook platform exclusively. Bitterly disappointed, I’ve been looking for alternatives, but none suitable has emerged. I’m hoping that amongst our 4,500+ subscribers that one of you may know or will come across such software and that if you do, you’ll let me know about it.

Many thanks and enjoy,

Ian Coristine 

Wallpaper November 2011

Download wide-angle version


This looks to me to be that same view that you so graciously share with us online...Raleigh Island's mini shoal facing southwest up river. I relied on those images online all winter while I spent the past seven years in Toronto...a big adjustment from life in the Thousand Islands! Now thankfully I have returned ad finitum, and can enjoy this paradise year round. Ian, I can't tell you how much I appreciated this vista when I was away. Thank you so much.

Michelle Caron posted on: Tuesday, November 01, 2011

One of my (non-photo) memorable images was close to sunset one very windy day. I went out on the lea side of our narrow island (Little Sagastaweka) in the kayak and as I returned the red sun was reflected off the very rough water on the windy side of the island onto the rapidly waving, shiny, oak leaves making it look like a tree full of tiny, colored, twinkling lights. The sun was also visible through openings in the clouds. Never seen anything similar since then, but I keep trying!Your photo is wonderful!

Winky McGowan posted on: Tuesday, November 01, 2011

That of course is your backyard tree. I am trying to accomplish the same feat with a little island off our property. Any tips you would like to share getting it to grow? Last weekend was our final time after our first season there. It is going to be a long winter.

Dave Fownes posted on: Tuesday, November 01, 2011

I have lived away from the thousand islands for awhile now. It is amazing how the land and water are part of our very being and for me the farther away I am from it, the more important it is. Your wallpaper picture was wonderful. It is widely displayed on my screen now. Thank you for seeing the heart of something so special.

posted on: Tuesday, November 01, 2011

That's a great capture of the gleaming light on water and rock. And of course the forum and mystery is fantastic. I don't know much about computers but it seems inevitable that the program you want is in the pipeline somewhere.

posted on: Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I can't wait for the ipad release of your book with Donna Inglehart. I read her most recently published book and was so impressed that I ordered her first book on ebay. I loved the books and will keep them a part of my cottage library for all future guests (and owners) to enjoy.

Mary Ferber posted on: Wednesday, November 02, 2011

This scene from your LiveCam is

Don Behenna posted on: Thursday, November 03, 2011

This is the view from your island looking upriver. What's missing is Molly galumphing all around us and stealing food from Mae's fork! Thank you for this view and for keeping the river alive for us all winter. Can't wait to be back on the river next summer. Thanks again!

Steve & Mae Slagsvol posted on: Friday, November 04, 2011

The Notification List

One afternoon at a book signing, a lady shared with me a profound statement. "The River chooses some". Those of us who were chosen, spend winters longing to get back. To help my winter longings and yours too, each winter month I enjoy sharing a computer screensaver image to help infuse a little summer warmth into your day. I also outline the latest additions to ThousandIslandsLife.com online magazine. If you would like to receive these images and updates, please add your email address to the notification list using the form below. It will not be shared elsewhere.